Saturday, February 20, 2010

the day b4 chinese new year

haha...d day b4 CNY me n lina meeting our fav lecterur, en choong...
ekshelly, mek pon supposed to ikut ktorg skali....
but, something happend n die x dpt ikot...
pergh...dr blakang ktorg nmpak en.choong nyer bergaye x nk kalah...
omputih mmg mcm en.choong...
bergaye abis la, mentang2 la dah sLim...seronok la tu...
me n Lina excited nih nk jpe en.choong yg blk bercuti CNY...
haha...awal2 jpe dah kne bengong ngn en choong...

en.choong:why u oL so bengong wanna meet me d day b4 CNY..bengong lah korg nih ( ayat mcm ganas, hati sgt sweeett....)
we oL: haha...biarlah.bengong2 pon student en.choong gak...haha.

then, ayah lina (not her biological dad) pon dtg...mencukupkan, lpe lak nk mention yg baby Darryan n en.choong nye wife also dtg jgk.pas2 mkn2 en.choong blanje...sembg2...
me was really inspired by en.choong...all he said and told us was really inspiring n make me think a while....en.choong x pon nak order gak mcm lina....hehe. 
nak ikut en.choong...nak wat PHD gak..(pergh, ade hati nak wat PHD, degree pon tersengguk-sengguk)
n one more thing..nk pinjam sport car en.choong...(nih, kompem x dapat nyer)

haha...klw en.choong bace, kompem kne kaw2 nih....( happy CNY, mintak maaf salah n silap.x sempat nk msg en.choong....i was too busy wit my sis engagement day la sir...)

baby Darryan so chumeLL...seb baek en.choong is ur father, if not dah lme cubit2 taw...

en.choong of course yg depan tu n ayah lina yg blakang tu...both are kind...

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